
23 Apr 2022

Fresh Start

I'm restarting this blog as Google finally re-established connections so I can comment on the comments, amongst other things.  

In the meantime Covid-19 has appeared, the world has changed and we are all being urged to "make a new normal" - whatever that means. Here on my little patch the chickens still lay eggs, the "pet" horse follows us around the place, the "new"  cat supervises everything and I'm growing vegetables, tending fruit trees, sewing and doing other things that make me happy.

There is a native animal who has laid claim to this patch of land , and I'm happy to share it, and I think miss puss has already had an encounter or two with it and knows to leave it alone. Looking forward to a decrease in pest insects with the new resident arriving.

I'd be happy to have you join me whenever you have the time. 

Cheers, Robyn.

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