
30 Apr 2013

Possum light sunset

It's this time in the evening I call Possum Light time - a time when it's not light but it's not dark either - there's a briefer time in the morning when this happens too. Possum light as it's a term used in Elyne Mitchell's Silver Brumby book series and when I first read them as a child, then living in suburbia, the phrase caught my attention and my imagination and I never forgot it. That's what good writing is about. It's also the time when I'm most likely to see the resident possum, if it's going to visit, so it must be based on truth :).

To see the sunset and the evening stars (look closely there are 2) at the same time is a real treat so I thought I'd share it as the last post for this month. If you click on this photo you can view it in a bigger size. Enjoy.

Robyn xo


  1. What a beautiful picture, those colours are beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous photo - did you take it? It's amazing.

  3. I took this photo on my camera's manual setting. The sky wasn't quite so blue irl but it's one of the quirks of a mostly automatic camera. The clouds are the right colour and that's what I wanted.

  4. My what an awesome photo Robyn...good to see you're still using the camera...
