Yesterday I was making a new garden bed and it was fine, warm and sunny. A great day for the Spring equinox! So, living in one of the areas of the world where skin cancer is too common for anyone's liking, I slipped on a long sleeve shirt, slopped on some sunscreen and slapped on a hat :D. One advertising campaign in Australia that got it right and one that never goes out of date!
What do you think of my garden getup? I'm not much in favour of having photos taken of me let alone taking one of myself and displaying it but I thought it's time I put myself on show.... at least on my blog.
Just keep in mind that lenses on cameras put weight on - that's my story and I'm stickin' to it ; P. Obviously the clothes are looser too so it's easier to move around when gardening.
24 Sept 2012
16 Sept 2012
First rose of Spring!
This smells as pretty as it looks! I'll have to collect the petals this year for potpourri.
Robyn :D
15 Sept 2012
More harvesting and the mad cat
I collected these from the garden this morning and realised that I haven't posted any photos of the peas I've been picking as Miss13 and I have been eating them raw almost as soon as they are harvested!
It looks like a lot but by the time they are shelled there's about 3/4 of a cup. Another lesson learned - 3 metres of pea bushes is not enough for 3 people so if I double the rows it should be fine.
It looks like a lot but by the time they are shelled there's about 3/4 of a cup. Another lesson learned - 3 metres of pea bushes is not enough for 3 people so if I double the rows it should be fine.
Absolutely nothing like the crisp sweetness of freshly picked!
It was chilly yesterday afternoon because of the wind and I think sitting in the kindling bucket may have been Maddy's attempt to remind us we needed to bring in wood and light the fire in the combustion heater!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend :).
11 Sept 2012
Snacks for the week
I haven't done any baking for the last fortnight as I didn't want to cough my germs all over everything so DH has been buying biscuits, NOT at my request though. He has these binges every so often but it's his money he's spending, not mine, so I don't comment.
I was feeling like something nice to eat for afternoon tea yesterday and I had some zucchini I wanted to use up, so I'd already decided to make zucchini bread, and I thought I'd also try the easy and cheap biscuit recipe of Paula's, that I'd copied from that thread, on the Down to Earth forums.
My goodness, did it make a bunch of goodies!!
I was feeling like something nice to eat for afternoon tea yesterday and I had some zucchini I wanted to use up, so I'd already decided to make zucchini bread, and I thought I'd also try the easy and cheap biscuit recipe of Paula's, that I'd copied from that thread, on the Down to Earth forums.
My goodness, did it make a bunch of goodies!!
30 choc chip biscuits and the same of sprinkles ones.....
....and 24 fat jam drops....Well, there were before the two legged mice dived into them!!
The biscuits are about twice the thickness of bought ones and 2" in diameter and the jam drops are roughly 3" in diameter. When cooled the biscuits went in the freezer but as I'd cooked the drops with the jam already in them they have to be eaten. **Note to self - cook drops jamless in future so they can be frozen!
I made the zucchini bread with wholemeal flour this time, as I used it for the biscuits, and it tastes wonderful. The recipe makes two loaves so I froze one loaf and gave half of the other (and some bikkies) to DH's niece as she and her two little ones have been ill and I thought a little treat for afternoon tea would be nice ; ). It's a bit more-ish and I'm ashamed to say I've eaten quite a lot of the remaining half, with butter.
As I usually have a cup of tea around this time in the afternoon I think I'll have another piece of zucchini bread. Anyone want a slice...with butter or without?!
Working weekend
So much for trying to do a post a week. I've been suffering from a virus and my hayfever hasn't helped the recovery.
Much of the weekend was spent off the ground for the rest of the family.
DH and nephew were putting up struts for the roof over the roundyard. Nephew is the one wearing the hat! Lol, tractors can be so versatile :).

Much of the weekend was spent off the ground for the rest of the family.
DH and nephew were putting up struts for the roof over the roundyard. Nephew is the one wearing the hat! Lol, tractors can be so versatile :).

As Dad was building the apprentice horsebreaker had to lead out the unbroken horse. Most of the muscle is supplied by her 4 legged partner. She's the brains of the duo!

Even the insects were busy....bzzzzzzzz
These 2 loafers were spectating, and practicing being house cows, and decided to camp under the guava tree IN the house yard! Naughty babies!!
Hope you've enjoyed sharing our lovely weekend.
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