
20 May 2014

Riverina DTE get together

Yesterday I travelled down to Rutherglen with Karyn and Matti to meet with other “locals” who are members of the DTE forums. It was all very exciting meeting people in person who you’d been talking to online for weeks/months/years. There was a total of 8 adults and one cute little addition :).

These are a few of the items some of us brought to swap.

There were also handmade cards, a plastic bag holder and fresh free range eggs. 

We had a lovely lunch and a big chat – I think the café people were starting to wonder if they’d ever be rid of us! A few of us went for a little look around the town afterwards before returning home.

Members of the forums will find a photo of the attendees and their names on this thread at the DTE forums.

Robyn xo

10 May 2014

New Gardening Techniques

I've been a bit busy lately but now I finally have something worth blogging about.

Due to the problems with making gardens where I now live I've decided to try Micro Gardening and growing Microgreens. I scored a few bargains along the way to achieving this.

These cost me $20 all together. Not sure what I'll do with the seed distributor as I don't have a paddock to hand sow but eventually I'll have a gardenhose to use the attachments with. There's a perforation in the base of the wheelbarrow but I'll ask SO can he repair it for me. Handy him being a welder by trade :)! I bought some linseed oil for the tool handles too.

 Above: The cress seed microgreens when I sowed them - 30April. The container on the right ended up in the compost as I left the cover on it but it had a thin covering of compost sprinkled over the seeds which became mouldy. The one on the left only had a covering of potting mix.
Below: The remaining container a week later - 7 May.Sorry for the blurry photo but it was taken indoors on an overcast day.

Above: The Micro Garden with dwarf peas and baby carrots at the eastern front corner of the house.
Below: I'm classing the stawberry strip at the front of the house as a micro garden because it's about a 1/4 of the size of one I used to have!

Above: A barrowful of old mangey geraniums and weeds that I cleared.
Below: A future micro garden. The objects scattered across it are mandarin peels to keep my cat, and other local cats, from doing their "business" there. Thanks Karyn, the citrus peel deterrent really works :D! This garden will be planted with snow peas and probably a row of baby carrots in front. More work still needs to be done on it.

Thanks everyone for tolerating my infrequent posting. I'm still developing routines here and I've had computer troubles so can't access photos and other information.

Happy Gardening,
Robyn XO