
25 Jul 2010

Can you guess what this is....?

or at least what it's going to be. Had to do a little 'frogging' last night 'ripit, ripit....' as I mucked up a seam. First time I've done this pattern and had to read the instructions a few times and it obviously didn't sink in. I think I work better with videos as seeing it is sometimes easier than reading about it. Ha, ha, now Geniene can stop nagging me :). Off visiting today and this place was like Pitt Street yesterday there were so many phone calls and visitors.


  1. Oh i see your working on my birthday present!!!!
    Ok I'll get off you back.....

  2. ROFLMAO! Cheeky, I don't even know when your birthday is! I'll find out now though he he he....

  3. Yes, I know what this is going to be. I have made many of these, and I just love how they turn out. I put a button on the top and bottom to hide the 'mess' in the middle!

  4. I am in the dark as to what it is and even more confused after reading Doris' comment about the button!!!

  5. I will forgive you for not knowing when my birthday is because i deleted it....I don't have them anymore....i've had toooooo many already....

    But I still do not know what that is?????
